Wednesday, March 12, 2008


We are working on potty training and Jackson wanted to go potty so I took him. He sat and waited for a few minutes then said "Mom I'll go later my potty is sleeping".

We went to Roseburg this weekend to visit everyone and when we got back he asked me "Mom can we go to Grandma Jay's again next year?" I think that meant he wants to go sooner than next year though. He has trouble with the Grandma and Pappa names so frequently refers to them as Pappa Jay and Grandma Jay. On the other side its Grandma Rosie and Pappa Rosie. Go figure.

Abigail asked me the other day "mom do you think Jackson will be a jock?" I have no idea where she heard the word jock.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

sick and more sick

This won't be much of a post just wanted to say that we have been fighting a never ending battle of sickness since getting back from Disney. Jackson had it when we left, Abigail had it when we got home, I got an ear infection after that and now Jackson has it again. It's such a horrible cycle I feel like spraying the entire house with lysol! So hopefully we will be on the mend soon!