Sunday, April 6, 2008

Happy Birthday Jackson!

Dear Jackson,

Three years ago today you came into our life. You expanded our family by one but our hearts by 100. Your first day on this earth you were wide-eyed and taking everything in and that hasn't changed. I love your curiosity about the world and your excitement over the simple things in life. I love that you make me stop to look at an ant crawling across the road. I even love that you walk at your own slow pace even though it drives me crazy sometimes it also reminds me that we all need to slow down sometimes. I love watching you try to learn new things even when your patience wears thin and you get mad at whatever you are trying to do. I know it's because you want to do it the best that you can. You are all boy and as rough and tumble as you can be. Sometimes it scares me when you fall over or get hit but those are the times you seem to laugh the hardest. Most of all I love the way you love. You always make sure that you give everyone good night hugs and kisses and you love to stop and snuggle. Out of the blue you will say "I love you Mommy, you are the best ever." Your smile brightens my day and your giggle melts my heart.

I want so much for you my son. But most of all I just want you to keep smiling and keep giggling.

I love you,
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