Saturday, November 10, 2007

My funny little man.

I decided to start this blog because I often find myself laughing at the things my children say and do and thinking I should write that down! Well hopefully this will help me write those down more often and share them with you all. I'd just like to share the daily happenings of our laugh and maybe some giggles we have along the way.

The other day after dropping Abigail off at school Jackson and I were making our way back to the car slowly as usual. He has his own pace (slow) and often likes to stop and "smell the roses" so to speak. So this day was like all the others and I was not so patiently waiting for him to catch up with me so I turned around to see where he was. He was stopped under a tree with his hand on his head looking up at the tree and he said "OH, Man!"

Me: "What happened Jackson??"
Him: "that tree watered on me"
Me: "It did!"
Him: "Yeah that tree was jokin"
Me: "Was it?"
Him: "Yeah it was FREAKIN ME OUT!"

Needless to say I had a chuckle all the way back to the car.

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